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    Terms and conditions

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      Some of the information you provide in the above documentation request form is Personal Data. We inform you that this data is processed by CARL Software and that it is subject to our personal data protection policy. In the context of sending the form, your Data will be used for commercial contact purposes by CARL Software, to send you the information you have requested, or more generally information about our events, products or services. They will be kept for a period of 3 years from their collection and are intended for the commercial and communication teams of CARL Software. By contacting us via this form, you consent to the use and storage of your personal data for the purposes and duration mentioned above. In accordance with the applicable regulations, you have a right of access, rectification, portability, erasure of your personal data and a right to request a limitation of the treatment carried out. These rights and their implementation are detailed in personal data protection policy.

    Organize your internal resources

    CMMS: Organize your internal resources
    • Monitor the business via the maintenance work process (technical expertise, operations carried out, movement of items, duration of repair work, etc.).
    • Measure the time spent on tasks other than maintenance work (travel, training, cleaning, etc.)
    • Visual schedule of resources and equipment: allocate work orders via a basket, move and change resources and devices by dragging & dropping, personalize the business context: take technician availability and certifications into account
    • Interoperability of the schedule with HR management software.

    Keep track of subcontracting

    • Manage all types of requests:  purchase services as needed, take out service contracts (telephony, access control, elevators, landscaped areas, etc.) or negotiate contracts at predefined rates.
    • Objective measurement of the performance and profitability of your subcontracting contracts.
    • Personalised access portal and menu tailored to the missions of each service provider.