Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS): Services associated
SaaS solutions, methodology, assistance contracts and choice of a CMMS…


SaaS services

SaaS CMMS solutions

With CARL Berger-Levrault’s CMMS SaaS solutions, you can focus on your core business, without having to worry about infrastructure or application management.

SaaS services

The methodology

CARL Pilot

Depending on your needs, we can intervene on all or part of the implementation and operation stages of the software package. To this end, we have developed a specific methodology: CARL Pilot.

CARL Pilot

Support contracts

FLASH / GOLD Contracts

The Hot-line is often the weakest link for IT vendors and OEMs. Each year, an impressive 98% are support contracts are renewed; this speaks volumes about the special attention we pay to Quality and about the responsiveness of the support we provide to our users.

Flash / Gold Contracts

how to choose a CMMS software?

What is a CMMS? How to define real needs?
Discover the important steps in implementing a CMMS.

Choose a CMMS Software