CARL Software Affirms its Commitment to Sustainable Development

Making the best use of available resources and reducing consumption are often among the reasons that motivate companies to use Asset Management or Maintenance Management software.

Mountains, water, air and nature in general have always featured strongly in CARL Software’s communications, and this is not a mere coincidence; for they epitomise the company’s ongoing concern with environmental matters.

It is for all these reasons that we have decided to reaffirm our commitment to sustainable development by drawing up a corporate charter of best practices. The charter aims to reduce the company’s ecological footprint in our day-to-day business (paper usage, energy consumption, travel, and so on).

Going further, CARL Software has also selected a new electricity supplier, Enercoop, the only supplier which buys all its electricity from renewable energy sources. Enercoop has been awarded the WWF’s EVE label for green electricity, and is by far the highest-rated provider on Greenpeace’s Ecolo Watt benchmark. From now on, our software will be designed exclusively using electricity from renewable energy sources.

CARL Software is proud of this commitment, a practical expression of the values on which we have built our success.