CARL Source software selected to manage the maintenance of SEA Tours-Bordeaux High Speed Lane

Mid-2017, the currently under construction, SEA Tours-Bordeaux High Speed Lane (HSL) will reduce the Journey time between Paris and Bordeaux from 3 to 2 hours. The HSL maintenance and operation will be carried out by MESEA (South Europe Atlantique Maintenance & Operations). To monitor and manage works, tracks, catenaries and signalization equipment of the HSL, MESEA has chosen CARL Source software and mobile application CARL Touch. Technicians will use tablets to geolocate equipment to be maintained, get assistance in the field, send reports, manage spare parts and so on.

CARL Software is in charge of CARL Source and CARL Touch integration and will also contribute in data migration and integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) from GEOMAP. Start of production is planned for July 2017. At that time, all 150 MESEA users will be able to perform their job using CARL Source Transport to:

  • Maintain linear assets (management of nodes, segments of the railway network and kilometric references)
  • Manage equipment (bridges, railroad switches, catenary, signalization equipment etc.)
  • Manage preventive and regulatory maintenance
  • Schedule resources
  • Manage documentation
  • Optimize stock and purchasing processes
  • Monitor budget in connection with an ERP