Manage stock

The manager manages a catalog of articles differentiated according to typology (spare parts, consumables, tools, PPE…).

  • He has access to all the information related / description to the article: details of storage, generalities, technical characteristics, multimedia docs).
  • He updates the catalog of stock items (photos of items, technical characteristics) in the field.

The traceability of stock movements is made easier thanks to optimized wizards to carry out:

  • Outgoings in connection with a service order, an expense center, with an equipment, an individual, a scrapping…
  • Entries on purchases or transfers from another warehouse, returns of parts not used during the execution of the service order, entries of parts following the revamping of equipment…
  • Location changes during warehouse reorganizations.
  • Spontaneous, shared or prepared inventories (rotating or annual).

CARL Touch allows the inventory manager to receive purchased items from the loading dock or to transfer items from other warehouses.

  • Declaration of quantities received.
  • Quality control.
  • Management of disputes (breakage, missing items).
  • Use of multimedia to digitize the supplier receipt slip, photograph a faulty item or a damaged package.
  • Automatically create equipment files upon reception of registered items.