CARL Flash: The new mobile application for service requests

CARL Flash: The new mobile application for service requests

CARL-FLASH-LogoCARL Software keeps being innovative in developing mobile apps for Technical Services and launches CARL Flash a brand new application for service requests.

5 years after the release of CARL Touch, the mobile application dedicated to field technicians that has won the Maintenance Innovation Award in 2013, the publisher innovates again with the launch of CARL Flash, a new Web App developed to be used by the general public.

CARL Flash enables users of assets, equipment or public areas to contact the technical services responsible for maintenance and operations, directly from their mobile device. The application can be accessed simply by scanning a QR Code and works on all available operating systems (iOS, Android and Windows).

Immediate benefits for users and technical services:

By using this new application, users take an active role in the operational maintenance of their location. CARL Flash ensures a permanent access to a range of services, such as reporting a malfunction, damage or vandalism; submitting and tracking requests for services, maintenance work, new work; accessing past requests, etc. CARL Flash allows occupants of a building, citizens of a local authority, healthcare units (nurses, doctors and visitors) in a hospital, production line workers, and customers of after-sales service departments to interact directly with technical services and to be informed in real time of the follow-up of their requests.

EN_CarlFlash_ecrans2_bigWith CARL Flash, technical services have a digital traceability of all services requested which speeds up their process. The application also simplifies the processing of these requests since it can avoid the multiple solicitations being made for the same problem, it also simplifies the detection of urgent requests when the same problem is reported several times.  As the requests are processed by the technical services staff, progress is communicated directly to the requester without any effort and limits unnecessary requests. When using CARL Flash requesters take a role in the process since they can accept or reject the work.

By easing the communication between requesters and technical services, CARL Flash participates in the valuation of the service provided by the technical services and to their contribution to the well-being and safety of all.



CARL Flash application