The benefits of the CARL Touch CMMS software

CARL Touch is an essential application in a context of shared activity with mobile employees in a decentralized organization. It is designed for technicians, stock managers, managers managing a services contract or maintaining a technical park in operational condition.

The solution is perfectly adapted to everyone’s needs and contributes to the performance of the maintenance activity.

Benefits for Technicians

With CARL Touch, technicians benefit from an assistance tool that accompanies them on the job and simplifies their maintenance tasks:

  • Monitoring and visualization of all daily activity.
  • Simplified reporting (voice dictation and touchscreen).
  • Notification of operations to be executed.
  • Geolocation of equipment to be maintained.
  • Diagnostic assistance with access to work history when on-site.
  • Access to asset information (equipment, premises, models) and to related technical documents.
  • Assistance by remote expertise.
  • Display of safety information (PPE, ATEX zones, accreditations, etc.).

Benefits for Stock Managers

With CARL Touch, Stock Managers can reliably maintain and update inventories:

  • CARL Touch eliminates paper-based data entry and records stock movements to provide accurate stock levels.
  • It facilitates rotating or periodic inventories, often carried out by inexperienced staff.
  • Mechanisms are in place to monitor stock movements when the warehouse operator is not present.
  • Stock replenishment is optimized, since it is based on reliable, up-to-date data.
  • Documents can be attached using the mobile device in the warehouse (photos, waybills, features, etc.).

Benefits for Stock Managers

With CARL Touch, Stock Managers can reliably maintain and update inventories.:

  • CARL Touch eliminates paper-based data entry and records stock movements to provide accurate stock levels.
  • It facilitates rotating or periodic inventories, often carried out by inexperienced staff.
  • Mechanisms are in place to monitor stock movements when the warehouse operator is not present.
  • Stock replenishment is optimized, since it is based on reliable, up-to-date data.
  • Documents can be attached using the mobile device in the warehouse (photos, waybills, features, etc.).


Presentation of CARL Source in 7 minutes.

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