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      Some of the information you provide in the above documentation request form is Personal Data. We inform you that this data is processed by CARL Software and that it is subject to our personal data protection policy. In the context of sending the form, your Data will be used for commercial contact purposes by CARL Software, to send you the information you have requested, or more generally information about our events, products or services. They will be kept for a period of 3 years from their collection and are intended for the commercial and communication teams of CARL Software. By contacting us via this form, you consent to the use and storage of your personal data for the purposes and duration mentioned above. In accordance with the applicable regulations, you have a right of access, rectification, portability, erasure of your personal data and a right to request a limitation of the treatment carried out. These rights and their implementation are detailed in personal data protection policy.

    How can I integrate my maintenance subcontractors' reports?

    Subcontractor management is standard in CARL Source.
    Several options enable you to manage your subcontractors’ reports in CARL Source CMMS.

    The CARL Source application runs on a standard computer, without installation (in the cloud). This means you can give your subcontractor restrictive access, so that he can only view the part of the application that concerns him: he can view his work and enter his reports via a subcontractor portal.

    Would you like your subcontractor to use a mobile maintenance application from CARL Source? You may want to consider CARL Touch or CARL Xpress.

    CARL Touch is the on-board CMMS application for mobile phones and tablets, enabling you to consult your equipment, access Work requests and enter reports, and manage inventory. Easy to use, it can be installed on the mobile device of a service provider with whom you work on a regular basis, so that he can enter his maintenance reports directly on the chosen mobile application.

    If your partner is more occasional, you can offer them the option of using CARL Xpress, with the ability to enter reports in “express mode” and report on Maintenance work carried out, with limited access to the CARL Source CMMS.

    Naturally, whichever method you use, you can access CARL Source to consult all maintenance histories by task, and by external or internal service provider.